Welcome to Ascent Angels

We partner with promising businesses by providing tailored support to achieve sustainable growth and success

About Us

Ascent Angels is dedicated to supporting early and growth-stage businesses in Ghana that have the potential to create meaningful positive change.

We offer flexible and personalized partnership opportunities that cater to the specific needs of our partner companies. Our goal is to provide the necessary expertise and resources to help our partners achieve their full potential.


To empower visionary entrepreneurs and startups to realize their full potential, create positive impact in their communities, and drive sustainable economic and social development in Ghana and beyond.


To be the premier partnership firm in Ghana and beyond, recognized for our commitment to supporting visionary entrepreneurs and startups, driving innovation, and creating positive impact in our communities.

Our Values


We are committed to transparency, honesty, and ethical behavior in all our interactions.


We strive to create meaningful and measurable social and environmental impact through our investments and actions.


We believe in the power of collaboration, diversity, and teamwork to achieve common goals.


We embrace creativity, risk-taking, and continuous learning to drive positive change.


Powering next-generation companies

Contact Us

Get in touch with us to learn more about our services and how we can help you.

AK-366-1518, Kumasi, Ghana